
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

...provide for the common defenc(s)e...

The next portion of the Preamble to the Constitution is...provide for the common defenc(s)e...

The new nation was fearful of attack from all sides — and no one state was really capable of fending off an attack from land or sea by itself. No one of the United States could go it alone. They needed each other to survive in the harsh world of international politics of the 18th century.
To provide for the common defense" is a phrase in the US constitution, it signifies one of the reasons that the individual states are banding together in a union: to provide an effective, unified military force to protect all of the states together (as opposed to each state fielding it's own military to protect itself independently).

It means that the government will provide the necessary things for the nations defense: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, etc. to protect Americans from foreign enemies.

The government will ensure protection to the states and territories and to all citizens/residents thereof in the event of conflict with any foreign nation.

Are there other interpretations to this clause?  Let's hear from you.

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